Tips for Discerning Your Vocation

Tips for Discerning Your Vocation


Tips of how you should be discerning your vocation

Are you looking for tips for discerning your vocation? In this video I explain how you can go about discerning what God has called you to. Discernment is an art and takes a long time to master. It is all about asking God directly what He desire for your life.

Prayer is the number one way to help you in your discernment. Prayer is simply a conversation with God whom we know loves us. Discernment of a vocation is simply trying to find out from God what He has made us for. Why has God given me this personality and these talents? Only God knows, although our family and friends might have a hunch also.

We must train ourselves to listen to God’s voice if we are going to hear Him tell us about our vocations.

You can find information on discerning with the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming at our main website here.

Tips for discerning your vocation: A Carmelite Monk prays to God in his hermitage.
Tips for discerning your vocation: A Carmelite Monk prays to God in his hermitage.

How do we know God’s voice?

In discernment of our vocation, we must learn to listen. Listening is putting our attention and focus into receiving what someone else has to say. We cannot go to pray and simply talk over God. That is not listening. We must give God time to speak and work at learning how to hear Him.

We hear God’s voice when we are humble. A humble person always shares his inspirations with a spiritual director or with a spiritual friend. When we reveal what is in our hearts God blesses our act of humility and will give the other person the grace to discern.

Discernment of a vocation will probably take years. We are humans and we learn slowly over time. Also God only reveals Himself when we seek Him with all of our hearts. Discernment of a vocation is an encounter with God as He slowly reveals Himself in prayer.

Learn about our lives as Carmelite Monks here.