Scandal of the Cross

Scandal of the Cross


The scandal for every Carmelite in Wyoming or anywhere else, is the reality that the innocent suffer. How can the innocent suffer? Don’t people get their just recompense for their actions? The difficulty is about love. Love is blind to anything but the welfare of the beloved. Jesus Christ only knew that those he loved were suffering from their sins, and it was enough for this innocent Son of God to offer Himself for us.

The Carmelite Priests hold the crucifix and chant during the liturgy.

The Scandal of Suffering

Why does there need to be any suffering? Why can’t there be only graces and blessings? It is a scandal that God allows suffering at all. It is because God is good that suffering is so confusing to us. In fact, God is goodness itself and can do nothing but good. Then why are people given the evil of suffering. The scandal is that the good God gives the evil of unwanted suffering to His creatures.

Sin in general causes suffering

Suffering is caused by sin in general. It may not be the sin of the person suffering that is the cause. Sin breaks down goodness and hurts everyone. Original sin is the cause of all suffering being unleashed throughout the world. Suffering is the just desserts of those who do evil. But often times the one suffering did not cause the evil at all. They may suffer innocently.

The Wyoming Carmelites embrace the scandal of the Cross

But those who love can enter into Jesus Christ’s redemptive work through their love of God and neighbor. By being united to Jesus, Carmelites can offer their suffering to aid another person who needs grace. Only Christ can save a soul or grant grace, but He has decided to use broken instruments who enter into His divine mission of sacrifice for others. As Carmelite Monks, we hope to be united to Christ, offering our imperfect sufferings in love to help others. We see others as our spiritual children who deserve the sacrifices offered for them.

There is no scandal for the Carmelite Monk. Love makes everything perfect.